Friday, February 28, 2020

Marijuana should not be legalized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marijuana should not be legalized - Essay Example It has been reported that the increasing number of children are experimenting with the recreational drugs such as Marijuana. Further, studies on the arrested criminal serving their sentences in different jails suggested that they were involved in using drugs like Marijuana at least once in a week before they were arrested. (DuPont, 2010). These statistics suggest that the society as a whole can actually bear a lot of cost for the unrestricted and unrestrained used of drugs like Marijuana and therefore should not be legalized. This argumentative essay will present a case for not legalizing the Marijuana and will present different reasons along with practical examples as to how the legalization of Marijuana can actually be detrimental to the society and the individuals. Marijuana should not be legalized Probably one of the biggest arguments against the legalization of the marijuana is based upon the principles of morality. The use of the drugs in general is considered as immoral in any given society due to the overall impact of the same on the society. ... Religion therefore in this sense suggests that the use of drugs generally should not be allowed because it will diminish the humanistic characteristics of the individuals. Historically the use of drugs such as Marijuana remained banned due to the adverse social impacts of their use on the individuals. Since the use of the Marijuana often result into the intoxication therefore can seriously cause the personal injury. It is also important to note that the marijuana is considered as the stepping stone drug which can lead to the use of other drugs such as cocaine and other more severe drugs. This is because of the fact that the Marijuana is often considered as easy to obtain and use and the relative effects of the drug can often lead to the so called experimentation with other hard and soft drugs. Such tendencies therefore can further led to the excessive use of other drugs and therefore the overall cost of rehabilitation of all those engaged into the use of harder drugs can be high. (Me sserli, 2010) It is also important that the Marijuana is considered as a socially addictive drug therefore and has really capability to induce abuse. Such capacity of the drug therefore can further led to the domestic as well as the social disturbance giving the fact that the drug is of addictive nature. This is also because of the fact that due to overall nature of Marijuana people who actually use this drug become what is called potheads and Marijuana start to dominate most parts of their lives. Such domination therefore creates further social alienation as well as the marginalization of the drug addicts. The use of Marijuana is therefore not only

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Religion and Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religion and Violence - Essay Example It primarily aims to discipline people and encourage them to cohabit harmoniously within the framework of certain codes of social conduct. Besides, throughout human history, it has remained a major influence in determining the social and political structure of nations across the world. Religions, in general, seek the well being of humans and spread the messages of universal brotherhood and love, peace and harmony. Prophets in every cult have emphasized the need of spirituality and implored their followers to have sympathy for fellow beings. However, throughout human history, one comes across wars among different sects of people in the name of religion. In the modern world, in which humans have become a sophisticated species, bloodshed in the name of religion still prevails obviously due to misconceptions about religion. The instances of violence, in the name of religion, that characterize everyday life in the modern society, rather tend to substantiate the hypothesis that religion do es cause violence. The Jihad, which the Muslim radicals consider as a Holy War against nonbelievers, has become an excuse for some members of that community to indulge in terrorist activities against the US and other non-Muslim nations. According to them, their war is for justice that they have to wage against the nonbelievers to adhere to Allah’s wish. ... The reason, according to Osama Bin Laden, was to warn America of the support it extends to the Jewish community which has resulted in the oppression of their Muslim brethren in Israel. He has further threatened that the war would continue until justice is restored to the Muslim community, which is being â€Å"tortured and assaulted† by the Jews. (Motives for 9/11 Terrorist Attacks). The bombings in London on July 7, 2005, which claimed â€Å"52 lives and injured 700 people† is yet another instance of violence perpetrated by the Al Qaeda, in the name of religion (London Bombers Staged ‘Dummy Run’). The motive behind this mission, according to Osama, has been to â€Å"take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader Government† for the atrocities committed by them in Iraq and Afghanistan (Quinn par. 5). The problem of violence in the name of religion does not confine to the West alone. In the Orient, the strained relationship between India and Pakista n, apart from border controversies, can also be attributed to the difference in the major religious faiths in both countries. There have been many instances of terrorist attacks in India and in most cases, the allegations indicate the involvement of Pakistani citizens or the radical Muslim outfits based in or operating out of Pakistan. The most significant of such episodes is the terrorist attack in Mumbai, which lasted for almost four days from November 26 to November 29, 2008. An Indian author, B. Raman, in his book titled â€Å"Mumbai 26/11: A Day of Infamy,† suggests that the Indian Mujahidin tout their attack on India as the â€Å"war of civilization between the Muslims and the infidels† (Raman 17). This